Monday, March 09, 2009

4月24日開幕 ~ ~ ~ ~

最近忙著看投件,訂場地等各種準備措施,不過因為剛上了網,就想跟大家分享一下,google 分析工具真的太吊了!我們查得出來此網站的造訪次數的 77.62% 來自台灣,9.83% 來自中國大陸,3.51% 來自香港,其他值得算有美國,德國,荷蘭,英國,瑞士等國家。那麼,特別讓我們高興的是那 9.83% 的來自大陸的訪客,這是因為北投溫泉的大陸訪客比例應該沒有 9.83% 這麼高,所以我們也希望這可以證明城市遊牧有資格申請觀光局的補助,也能被列為台灣的觀光點!不過鼎泰豐的日本客人比例可能還比9.83%高了一些 ~~~ 那麼,我們還要努力吧!

至於具體消息的部份,其實沒有很多,只因為網站流量最近比較大,所以覺得應該寫一些甚麼。今年影展的期間是4月24日至5月3日,地點跟去年一樣在台北藝術村,5月8-9日也打算在南海藝廊辦一些好玩的東西,4月25日會辦很棒的開幕派對,國外影片有 Sonic Youth 的新紀錄片,來自舊金山的 Wholphin《鯨豚》DVD 雜誌的許多短片以及策劃人 Brent Hoff,之外今年大家寄來的投件越來越好,我們也很期待 ! 放映時刻表大約春吶之前會出來。

hi one and all. the above is just some untranslatable jokes we wrote while looking through all the submissions. basically, we're just writing this post because we have lots of web traffic at the moment. also, we can announce the festival will be from 4/24 - 5/3 at Taipei Artist Village, the same location as last year, and we will probably also do a weekend at Nanhai Gallery on 5/8-9, and of course there's the opening party on 4/25. Invited films will include the new Sonic Youth documentary, a couple of awesome programs from the San Francisco DVD magazine Wholphin, whose editor Brent Hoff will join us here in Taipei, and some other great stuff. Also, the submissions are looking really good. Thanks to everyone who sent films. We're hard at work reviewing them now. We should have a schedule ready by the beginning of April!