Friday, April 03, 2009

4/26 (日) Sunday

台北藝術村 台北市北平東路7號
Taipei Artist Village, 7 Beiping E. Rd, Taipei 地圖 Map

3pm - FREE
Wholphin: Screening + Talk

『鯨豚』DVD雜誌的主編Brent Hoff將談談他對於短片製作的期待與寄望,以及這本DVD雜誌將如何為短片開啟一個新市場。

Wholphin editor-in-chief Brent Hoff will talk about what he looks for in short films and how his DVD magazine is making a market for them.

American Outrage
Beth Gage and George Gage/ US/ 30min/ En/Ch 英/中


Good Luck, Comrades!
<洞爺外傳> 之 祝君安好

Fredie Chan 陳浩倫/ 2008/ Hong Kong/ 65min/ En/Ch 英/中
**放映後導演問答 / followed by director Q&A

這部紀錄片是七位來自香港的公民記者「 洞爺七狗」在他們前往2008年在日本洞爺湖舉行的G8高峰會外示威抗議途中留下的紀錄。一降落機場,他們卻隨即遭到日本政府拘留禁閉,此舉震驚全亞洲!片中記錄他們與其他抗議者的故事。在現今

This documentary is the record left by seven citizen reporters from Hong Kong, the Toya7dogs, on their trip to protest the 2008 G8 Summit in Lake Toya, Japan. Upon landing in Japan, they were detained by the Japanese government, an action that made papers throughout Asia. The film follows their story and that of other protestors. In this era, anti-globalization is picking up steam as an international movement. This film looks at how it’s taking shape in Asia and what it can accomplish.


Shorts 3: Sunday Nightcap

換上一雙平底鞋,牽起情人的手,這一夜,讓電影的暖流,流轉於我倆心田。「親愛的某某先生」描述一位小學生寫了信,展轉到了這位X先生手上的奇妙旅程,或許回讓你想到「囧男孩」,不過也沒有那種怪爸爸的殺出重圍機器角色。「Nowhere Island」探討一位中國移民,落腳於芝加哥的生活與寄託。「覓」是一部漂亮的動畫片,在沉悶、烏煙瘴氣的台北,轉角處也能覓得一座屬於自己的秘密花園。還有更多好片喔!
Kick up your heels, maybe lay a gentle hand on your significant other, and cozy up to some films that will cozy back up to you. “Dear Mr. X” is a tale about a young school boy finding an unlikely pen pal. “Nowhere Island” looks at the life and hopes of a Chinese immigrant in present-day Chicago. “Rec/Rec” finds an anime garden in Taipei’s urban grime. And much more.

Piccoli Segreti (Little Secrets)
Stefano Giannotti/ 2007/ Italy/ 1min/ no dialogue 無對話
Candy Tang 唐國瑋, Zhang Qi-rong 張綺容/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 5min/ Ch 中
Letter on Red 題紅葉
Wang Chih-cheng 王誌成/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 15min/ Ch/En 中/英
Dear Deer 親愛的鹿
Huang Yu-ching 黃雨晴/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 1min/ no dialogue 無對話
Silent Love 無聲的愛
Chen Li-chuan 陳麗娟/ 2009/ Taiwan/ 3min/ Ch/En 中/英
Dear Mr. X 親愛的某某先生
Zoe Lin 林冠慧/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 30min/ Ch/En 中/英
Rec/Rec 覓
Wu Yin-hao 吳英豪/ 2007/ Taiwan/ 10min/ no dialogue 無對話
Nowhere Island
Hsu Ya-ting 許雅婷/ 2008/ US/ 23min/ Ch/En 中/英
Je t’aime 酒蛋
Cute Wang 王思閔/ 2008/ Taiwan/ 10min/ Ch/En 中/英