Monday, June 29, 2009

The Yes Men in Taiwan

今天早上 The Yes Men (沒問題的俠客)在台北前往台北101測驗他們的 "保存球" 以及給一群警衛一些麻煩。接著在台北電影節非常成功的幾次放映,他們的新片 《沒問題俠客修理世界》(The Yes Men Fix the World) 大約秋天時要在台北上院。

以後的放映訊息請查前景公司的網站 。一般的 Yes Men 訊息可以看他們官方網站

The Yes Men were at Taipei 101 this morning testing the Halliburton SurvivaBall and irritating building security. Their new film, The Yes Men Save the World, is playing at the Taipei Film Festival and will probably be released in Taiwan this fall.

For more updates Yes Men capers, check their website: or for Taiwan release info, check Flash Forward Entertainment (in Chinese):